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allergy and hay fever with natural shiatsu

Are you among the many people who suffer from the symptoms associated with aller­gies? The most common sites for allergic reac­tions are the respiratory tract and the skin. It is the body’s own histamine reaction to foreign mat­ter that creates the symptoms of hay fever such as sneezing and eye-watering around the eyes and the nasal mu­cous membranes. But allergy can also … [Read more...] about allergy and hay fever with natural shiatsu

Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

I have been going to Anne for a number of times for Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy with my second child. I believe that part of the reason for my pregnancy really going well so far at 36wks, is because of receiving regular treatments to balance all the imbalances that can so easily occur during pregnancy, due to the numerous hormonal … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

“our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page

“Trauma is much more than a story about the past that explains why people are frightened, angry or out of control. Trauma is re-experienced in the present, not as a story, but as profoundly disturbing physical sensations and emotions that may not be consciously associated with memories of past trauma. Terror, rage and helplessness are manifested as bodily reactions, like a … [Read more...] about “our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page

mindful and body-full

Recently, I was very happy to witness a client rapidly making changes to her life by adding counseling and yoga to her bi-monthly shiatsu sessions. She decided to commit to herself despite having a busy schedule. Health is nowadays more and more dependent on many components of one's history: social, familial, cultural, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual. When … [Read more...] about mindful and body-full

happy new year

"To start the year, I am inspired to share my Nepalese experience. On the plane back from Kathmandu to Hong Kong, I met a woman, who after suffering a great loss, went travelling for 7 months, in search of her inner compass. The inner compass theme has been a recurrent one for me last year. I want, like all of us, to have a sense of a meaningful, fruitful life. Letting go of … [Read more...] about happy new year