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monkey year, pause and reflect. essence of richness to life

I saw in the street this morning, a respectful old lady walking down stairs, at a slow pace, her umbrella as a cane on one hand and her daughter by her side, supporting her other arm with care. I was reminded to appreciate now, these legs that allows me to move freely. Health is nowadays acknowledged to have physical, emotional, social, environmental and Spiritual component … [Read more...] about monkey year, pause and reflect. essence of richness to life

merry lively 2016~

I am inspired to share with you  poems, to celebrate the wonders of Life and our felt senses. Cheers to flexible body-Minds, and resilient wholehearted living beings. As ever, let's cultivate playful curiosity, deepening your presence to ourselves and others. I am super warmhearted and excited to share that I am going to Assist on the 2016 Somatic Experiencing … [Read more...] about merry lively 2016~

restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

Discover TRE® (Tension, stress and Trauma Release exercises) a unique, efficient tool to stress and pain management that can improve your quality of life and relationships. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous … [Read more...] about restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

mindful and body-full

Recently, I was very happy to witness a client rapidly making changes to her life by adding counseling and yoga to her bi-monthly shiatsu sessions. She decided to commit to herself despite having a busy schedule. Health is nowadays more and more dependent on many components of one's history: social, familial, cultural, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual. When … [Read more...] about mindful and body-full

are you aware that you carry the world in your cells?!

Do you remember the time when you started as one single cell? Well, in the Somatic Movement approach we believe your body does, in fact,  carry this memory and this awareness. Try for a moment to feel yourself as the magnificent living organized cluster of cells you became. Your cells are collectively working together to create and safeguard your health. They are individual … [Read more...] about are you aware that you carry the world in your cells?!