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chi nei tsang

CHI NEI TSANG, in Chinese, literally means “working the energy of the internal organs” or “internal organs chi transformation.” and comes from ancient Chinese Taoist knowledge and tradition.

Chi Nei Tsang  is a holistic approach to the healing touch modality of old Taoist Chinese origin. It integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being. CNT goes to the very origin of health problems, including psychosomatic responses. Chi Nei Tsang literally means “working the energy of the internal organs” or “internal organs chi transformation.” CNT uses all the principles of Kung-Fu and Tai Chi Chuan known as Chi-Kung; therefore, CNT is a form of “applied Chi Kung.”

About the technique:

A set of acupressure points around the navel are used to open the flow of energy plus blood and lymph circulation in the abdomen. The often chronically contracted abdominal muscles and ligaments get released through gentle rocking, stretching, and shaking. This allows the process of breathing to engage the abdomen so that internal organs are prompted to work more efficiently.  It can be seen as a form of “applied qigong.”

The practitioner directly presses on specific points in the abdominal area that relate to internal organs and at the same time the receiver, guided by the therapist, applies a particular deep breathing method, comprising “six healing sounds”.

Chi Nei Tsang is a complementary method to systems like Thai massage, Shiatsu, Reiki and other external therapies.This ancient method brings energetic balance and harmonizes the functioning of internal organs.

How it can help you:

In addition to detoxifying and energizing of internal organs, Chi Nei Tsang is also a profoundly transformative therapeutic form of bodywork that helps to dissolve physical and emotional blocks in the abdominal area. People who have had this form of alternative  therapy often reported that they could take a deep breath, the upper body (shoulders and neck) got relaxed, abdominal space got more opened and energized, the rib-cage got pliable and back less rigid,  and the flow of energy opened between the upper and lower parts of the body.

Indications :

Photo of Chi Nei Tsang body work at The Moving Touch, Hong Kong.

constipation, bloating

removing knots and cramps in the abdomen

indigestion, acid reflux

menstrual pains

infertility and impotency

various back pains, shoulders and neck tensions

improving digestive functions

anxiety, hyperventilation, shortness of breath

emotional traumas and urinary issues

MIND that You may NOT experience Chi Nei Tsang if:
  • you are pregnant or on your menstrual cycle
  • you had any kind of abdominal surgery within the past year

Please Note: Try to eat only a light meal and at least 45 min before your session.

For Chi Nei Tsang session request booking, please click here.

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