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body-mind movement

mindful and body-full

Recently, I was very happy to witness a client rapidly making changes to her life by adding counseling and yoga to her bi-monthly shiatsu sessions. She decided to commit to herself despite having a busy schedule. Health is nowadays more and more dependent on many components of one's history: social, familial, cultural, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual. When … [Read more...] about mindful and body-full

experiment self-massage with a tennis ball

Are you prone to headaches, migraines, tight jaws, poor memory, lack of focus?  Experiencing elbow and wrist pains? Then your upper body, neck and shoulders are probably very tight as well. When working on your computer, typing, reading, or even thinking about a complex situation, your energy is directed up to your head area where it is needed. The YANG ( active) … [Read more...] about experiment self-massage with a tennis ball