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Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

 With a playful and curious attitude you will explore tools to: Gain in self-awareness, clarity and focus, uplift your mood, Feel grounded, centered and refreshed in your body Connect to and encourage your body’s natural ability to self-heal and regulate Gain in ease of movement, coordination and flexibility, shake off chronic pains and old tensions recover … [Read more...] about Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

Body Memory: How to reconnect with our body and attain health

Our body: The imprint of us Most human beings today waste some 25 to 30 years of their lives before they break through the actual and conventional lies which surround them. Isadora Duncan Have you ever considered your body as a collection of memory? Our body records and memorizes every moment of our life, through the sensory motor process, through movement and experiences, … [Read more...] about Body Memory: How to reconnect with our body and attain health

restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

Discover TRE® (Tension, stress and Trauma Release exercises) a unique, efficient tool to stress and pain management that can improve your quality of life and relationships. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous … [Read more...] about restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

is choosing the mind over the body a real choice?

I came across a wonderful article LET IT R.A.I.N written by Rick Hanson, (Phd Neuropsychologist; Author, 'Hardwiring Happiness') asking: “what can we do to reclaim, use, enjoy, and be at peace with our whole estate -- without being overwhelmed by its occasional swamps and fumes? In other words, how can you be “at home in your own skin or your own mind”? It is true and often … [Read more...] about is choosing the mind over the body a real choice?

mindful and body-full

Recently, I was very happy to witness a client rapidly making changes to her life by adding counseling and yoga to her bi-monthly shiatsu sessions. She decided to commit to herself despite having a busy schedule. Health is nowadays more and more dependent on many components of one's history: social, familial, cultural, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual. When … [Read more...] about mindful and body-full