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Do In An Kyo

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: menstrual discomforts.

Intuitively when we feel pain somewhere, we will tend to place a hand to soothe or warm the area. This ancestral knowledge is the origin of Zen Shiatsu, TE ATE, “the healing hand”, in Japanese. I would say that yes, massage can benefit menstrual pains, but if you are on your cycle, a gentle and attentive massage. Indeed, many women tend to have a lower pain threshold before … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: menstrual discomforts.

find a back stretch buddy!

Hard to focus at work?! Tired of staying at your computer desk? Take an office buddy Do IN AN KYO* break: *self/duet stretching and mobilisations , self-Shiatsu and breathing exercises to improve the circulation of energy, a basic belief in oriental therapies, which can be considered a base for a healthy life. Pick someone your own size, (it will be more comfortable, thus … [Read more...] about find a back stretch buddy!