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Are you a pusher? Do you choose to live life by the mantra “Go! Go! Go!” and “Do! Do! Do!”?

We are encouraged to perform at a high level, overcome our weaknesses and to achieve with a big “A”. Using our intuition is discouraged and as a result many of us become scared or even ashamed of our pains and tensions. They become obstacles we have to overcome.  When we come across people who seem to achieve effortlessly, we naturally start comparing ourselves. Do we want to … [Read more...] about Are you a pusher? Do you choose to live life by the mantra “Go! Go! Go!” and “Do! Do! Do!”?

take a breath and step into your body

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-Tzu Hello everyone! I trust your summer is happily unfolding, with your loved ones, favorite activities, best friends, beloved pets…! I have been stepping into Nepal, with a challenging and uplifting experience of trekking followed by a heart-warming  experience at an orphanage. Health-care professionals … [Read more...] about take a breath and step into your body

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life : becoming pregnant.

Shiatsu is a very gentle and caring yet deep approach. It can be of great help and support when a woman wants to become a mother, especially if she has been trying for a long time, and is experiencing difficulties. The Shiatsu sessions aim at being supportive of the natural life flow in the person's body. A Shiatsu practitioner welcomes the person at the very moment of her … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life : becoming pregnant.