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Tension Release

merry lively 2016~

I am inspired to share with you  poems, to celebrate the wonders of Life and our felt senses. Cheers to flexible body-Minds, and resilient wholehearted living beings. As ever, let's cultivate playful curiosity, deepening your presence to ourselves and others. I am super warmhearted and excited to share that I am going to Assist on the 2016 Somatic Experiencing … [Read more...] about merry lively 2016~

Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

 With a playful and curious attitude you will explore tools to: Gain in self-awareness, clarity and focus, uplift your mood, Feel grounded, centered and refreshed in your body Connect to and encourage your body’s natural ability to self-heal and regulate Gain in ease of movement, coordination and flexibility, shake off chronic pains and old tensions recover … [Read more...] about Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

2015. time to explore a peaceful, connected and healthy body, naturally.

Happy 2015! How can we “ground” our new resolution in an effortless and sustainable fashion?! As I investigate, through Zen Shiatsu and Somatics, the harmony and flow of life and get curious about how mind, body and environment are woven together, the more I agree with my teachers that it is important to, every day, create a “practice of change” to create for ourselves the … [Read more...] about 2015. time to explore a peaceful, connected and healthy body, naturally.

“our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page

“Trauma is much more than a story about the past that explains why people are frightened, angry or out of control. Trauma is re-experienced in the present, not as a story, but as profoundly disturbing physical sensations and emotions that may not be consciously associated with memories of past trauma. Terror, rage and helplessness are manifested as bodily reactions, like a … [Read more...] about “our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page