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take a breath and step into your body

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao-Tzu Hello everyone! I trust your summer is happily unfolding, with your loved ones, favorite activities, best friends, beloved pets…! I have been stepping into Nepal, with a challenging and uplifting experience of trekking followed by a heart-warming  experience at an orphanage. Health-care professionals … [Read more...] about take a breath and step into your body

Gut Brain: get in touch with your deeper truth! Let go and flow!

We commonly talk about « trusting one’s gut instinct » or having a « gut feeling ». This ancestral knowledge is rooted in our language. In the modern days however, more and more people suffer from digestive problems and food intolerance. The Chinese Taoist thinking declares that Man is both part of his environment and is affected by it. They understand health as a state of  … [Read more...] about Gut Brain: get in touch with your deeper truth! Let go and flow!

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: beyond pregnancy.

SHIATSU (which literally means Finger Pressure in Japanese) is a traditional form of Japanese body-work that was usually practiced within the families, and by midwives. It is an officially recognized Massage Therapy in Japan, and has become very popular in Western countries over the last 15 years. Zen Shiatsu is rooted in the well-known in Asia tradition of TE ATE: innate … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: beyond pregnancy.

NEW!Take care of your second brain with Chi Nei Tsang, Abdominal Detox Chi Massage.

CHI NEI TSANG, in Chinese, literally means “working the energy of the internal organs” or “internal organs chi transformation.” and comes from ancient Chinese Taoist knowledge and tradition. About the technique: A set of acupressure points around the navel are used to open the flow of energy plus blood and lymph circulation in the abdomen. The often chronically contracted … [Read more...] about NEW!Take care of your second brain with Chi Nei Tsang, Abdominal Detox Chi Massage.

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: an easy pregnancy!

Natasha Audoye, Regional Office Manager in Hong Kong shares her experience: " I started receiving bi-monthly Shiatsu sessions with Anne about 6 months before I got pregnant. At that time I was travelling a lot, and felt the need for something that would allow me to take my life back instead of being just driven by my agenda. I was afraid not to be able to become a mother and … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: an easy pregnancy!