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merry lively 2016~

I am inspired to share with you  poems, to celebrate the wonders of Life and our felt senses. Cheers to flexible body-Minds, and resilient wholehearted living beings. As ever, let's cultivate playful curiosity, deepening your presence to ourselves and others. I am super warmhearted and excited to share that I am going to Assist on the 2016 Somatic Experiencing … [Read more...] about merry lively 2016~

Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

 With a playful and curious attitude you will explore tools to: Gain in self-awareness, clarity and focus, uplift your mood, Feel grounded, centered and refreshed in your body Connect to and encourage your body’s natural ability to self-heal and regulate Gain in ease of movement, coordination and flexibility, shake off chronic pains and old tensions recover … [Read more...] about Body-Awareness and Body-Movement Workshop Series

restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

Discover TRE® (Tension, stress and Trauma Release exercises) a unique, efficient tool to stress and pain management that can improve your quality of life and relationships. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous … [Read more...] about restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

“our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page

“Trauma is much more than a story about the past that explains why people are frightened, angry or out of control. Trauma is re-experienced in the present, not as a story, but as profoundly disturbing physical sensations and emotions that may not be consciously associated with memories of past trauma. Terror, rage and helplessness are manifested as bodily reactions, like a … [Read more...] about “our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts”- Ken Page

Gut Brain: get in touch with your deeper truth! Let go and flow!

We commonly talk about « trusting one’s gut instinct » or having a « gut feeling ». This ancestral knowledge is rooted in our language. In the modern days however, more and more people suffer from digestive problems and food intolerance. The Chinese Taoist thinking declares that Man is both part of his environment and is affected by it. They understand health as a state of  … [Read more...] about Gut Brain: get in touch with your deeper truth! Let go and flow!