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Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

I have been going to Anne for a number of times for Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy with my second child. I believe that part of the reason for my pregnancy really going well so far at 36wks, is because of receiving regular treatments to balance all the imbalances that can so easily occur during pregnancy, due to the numerous hormonal … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

Discover TRE® (Tension, stress and Trauma Release exercises) a unique, efficient tool to stress and pain management that can improve your quality of life and relationships. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous … [Read more...] about restore your peace ability (pacing ability) with TRE®

what makes Shiatsu so unique?

Shiatsu in Japanese literally means “finger pressure”, yet this Japanese ancestral form of bodywork goes beyond simple massage technique. Jushas (Japanese word for the Shiatsu recipient) often report that they feel “nurtured, nourished, complete”, that they “received exactly what they needed”. How does Shiatsu work? Shiatsu promotes the healthy functioning of the organs. … [Read more...] about what makes Shiatsu so unique?

accessing the wisdom of Your body: balancing the three brains, by Mark Chandlee Taylor

Balancing the 3 Brains article. Here is a very interesting article written by Mark Chandlee Taylor, Somatic Movement educator and Therapist, who recentely gave a serie of workshops about embodiment in Hong Kong. Among them, Balancing The Three Brains. Together, we explored the relationships among the three intrinsic brains of the body through the vibrations of breath, … [Read more...] about accessing the wisdom of Your body: balancing the three brains, by Mark Chandlee Taylor