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Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

I have been going to Anne for a number of times for Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy with my second child. I believe that part of the reason for my pregnancy really going well so far at 36wks, is because of receiving regular treatments to balance all the imbalances that can so easily occur during pregnancy, due to the numerous hormonal … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and Somatic Bodywork treatments before and during my pregnancy

prenatal care, a natural way

Happy to be part of a team that works towards the same ideals and shares the same philosophy. Lately, I have been working closely with Dr Grace YU at Balance Health. Shiatsu and Acupuncture really work their magic  together in the field of prenatal care. Prenatal Acupuncture The hormonal changes that come with pregnancy can have an impact on a woman’s psyche. “Pregnancy just … [Read more...] about prenatal care, a natural way

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: beyond pregnancy.

SHIATSU (which literally means Finger Pressure in Japanese) is a traditional form of Japanese body-work that was usually practiced within the families, and by midwives. It is an officially recognized Massage Therapy in Japan, and has become very popular in Western countries over the last 15 years. Zen Shiatsu is rooted in the well-known in Asia tradition of TE ATE: innate … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: beyond pregnancy.

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: an easy pregnancy!

Natasha Audoye, Regional Office Manager in Hong Kong shares her experience: " I started receiving bi-monthly Shiatsu sessions with Anne about 6 months before I got pregnant. At that time I was travelling a lot, and felt the need for something that would allow me to take my life back instead of being just driven by my agenda. I was afraid not to be able to become a mother and … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life: an easy pregnancy!

Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life : becoming pregnant.

Shiatsu is a very gentle and caring yet deep approach. It can be of great help and support when a woman wants to become a mother, especially if she has been trying for a long time, and is experiencing difficulties. The Shiatsu sessions aim at being supportive of the natural life flow in the person's body. A Shiatsu practitioner welcomes the person at the very moment of her … [Read more...] about Shiatsu and the cycles of a woman’s life : becoming pregnant.